Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Last Four Months

In the midst of final exam season, I am looking for any opportunity to take a study break - so why not catch up on my activities the last four months?

First off, sorry I am a terrible blogger.  Law school is tough, and by the time I finish all my readings, make sure I have clean clothes for tomorrow, and try to do something social/normal/fun, blogging has not even entered my mind.  And on a day it does, I probably haven't done anything besides read about the elements of assault or what the rules are for bringing a claim in federal court (all very interesting, remind me to tell you sometime!).

So, to recap my almost complete first semester of law school, the biggest take away is that I love it and the law is fascinating.  Every day is truly something new and each class is so different that I'm rarely bored.  Even my final exams would be fun if they weren't the only determinant of my grades because every question is like a little puzzle to be solved.  I am learning to be more logical in how I think things through and how to be more articulate when expressing my perceptions of an issue, and I can feel these changes in my brain even after such a short amount of time.  It is truly unlike anything else I've done and still feels like the right choice for me.

I'll be sure to share some thoughts on the fun things I have gotten to do recently, such as my Thanksgiving adventures with friends, in the next few weeks.  As for now, I should probably get back to studying!

Until next time!

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